Steve wants to continue doing well in school and he hasn't had a class yet, so he's still on target.
Branden is kicking booty in basketball. Not only is he making most of the baskets on his team, but he's also got AWESOME defense.
Landrie is beautiful, wonderful, happy, super, smart, gorgeous, angelic and PERFECT in every way. Not sure what her new year's resolution is/was, but she can do no wrong, so I'm sure she's still on track.
I have a few resolutions - lose weight (always - just had to throw out the worn-out treadmill. hope steve gets me a new one for my birthday, Jan. 23 - wink, wink...), focus on work, focus more on family, and learn to play a musical instrument. I am making headway on all of these. Hope I don't fall off the bandwagon!
I've also decided to write a children's book. I have the BEST idea, but don't want to let the cat out of the bag. My friend Jan says I have to set a goal for myself - so many pages per week. I've decided to write five pages per week. I should have this book done in NO TIME!
Now, I keep telling myself that I have to write down funny things the kids say, so here's from this week:
I was doing a puzzle with Landrie a couple days ago and kept calling her (as I always do) "Lanj." It's just a quick, easy name to call her. In the cutest little 5-year-old voice ever she sqeaked at me, "Mom, if you wanted to name me Lanj, you should have named me Lanj when I was born. I am 5 and a half and my name is LANDRIE!" I about fell out of my chair!
Anyway, Steve begins school again Tuesday so we're all ready to get back in the books with daddy (we love to study classes with him). He and the kids have Monday off for Marting Luther King Day. By the way, if you haven't taken the time to read his "I Have A Dream" speech, you really should. It's amazing, if you take the time to read it word for word. What a sensitive, kind, intelligent, non-violent, humble man. I wish he would have lived long enough to see his dreams come true.
By the way - couple non-family-related items... I just found out that the gentleman who owns the rafting company, Mountain Man Rafting, that we frequent in Colorado was diagnosed with a brain tumor a couple months ago and passed away this week. Lots of prayers and love to his family and everyone who worked with him. He was from Fort Worth - imagine that! - and he gave up a Mercedes and a cush job in Dallas to follow his heart. He moved to the mountains and started the rafting company. What a lesson in life!
Also, an airplane crashed into the Hudson River in NYC yesterday. Miraculously, the pilot landed the airplane safely in the river, which is the first time this has ever been done without a fatality. Again, this highlights that life can be over at any moment. We need to cherish the people in our lives for the short amount of time we have here with them. Every day of this life is a blessing.
Happy journey!